December 16, 2010

Editing the image for the front cover

Once the image for the front cover had been chosen i needed to edit it in order to make it look sharp, and suitable for the front cover of a music magazine.
Firstly i placed the image in photoshop and used the magic tool to cut the model out from the surrounding background.
I then used the brush tool and changed the colour of her lips to a lipstick pink, in order to make them stand out better.
I then changed the brightness, contrast and vibrancy of the image which made a dramatic change.
(The image on the right is the new and the image on the left is the old)

Choosing the photo for the front cover

I took a total of around 120 photos for the magazine. Out of them photos i chose these four as the possible front cover photo.
In the end i chose the first photo, as it is well lit, is a medium shot, and she is looking directly into the camera, and from my research of music magazines, this was the most popular choice chosen from the questionnaire, and these were the results.

PHOTO ONE: 15 votes
PHOTO TWO:3 votes
PHOTO THREE:10 votes
PHOTO FOUR: 5 votes

Choosing the colour of the title

Once the font of the title of the music magazine had been chosen. I then needed to choose an appropriate colour.

In order to do this is selected six different colours and placed them underneath one another so that i good Analise which one would be best suited to the magazine.
Once i had looked at the photo which is going to be on the front cover of my magazine i soon realized that the title of the magazine needed to contain similar colours to the image.
I then asked 30 people who prefffered the pop genre, which colour they thought best suited a pop music magazine, and the results were as shown:

With these results in mind, the Bright pink colour was chosen for the title of the fornt cover, as this was the most popular choice, as shown by the target audience.

Choosing the font

In order to choose the most appropriate font for the music magazine, i created a text box and changed the fonts of the text several times. I ended up with these six different fonts.

The text is of a font of "CGF Locust resistance" which is a bold title which would stand out very well on the front page. However, it seems a little too bold and over powering for the genre of "pop". The next text is of "Arial" font. This font is very simplistic and easy to read, meaning it will stand out to the reader or buyer. However it is not extremely attractive and may come across as being a little dull. The third piece of text is a font called "Edit undo line BRK". This font is attractive and represents the genre of pop well, with its different way of font. However, if i were to choose this font it would have to be made large in order for it to be read clearly. The fourth choice of font was "BIRTH OF A HERO". This font is different from the others, making it original. However, it seems this font would suit better a music magazine of a "rock" genre. The fifth font was called "Courier". This is a well known and quite popular choice of font. However this may mean that my music magainze is not origincal if it was to contain this title. Finally. the last choice of font was of " Times new roman". This is proberbly the post well known font as it is used in Microsoft word by people everywhere. However, I belive this would not be a suitable font for a pop music magazine, as this font better represetn a word document.

These fonts were then showed to a group of 30 people, and they were asked to choose one type of font for the front cover. A list of these fonts was shown on computer, and a tally was made of the results, as shown:

With these results in mind the "Edit Undo line BRK" Font was chosen.