February 03, 2011

evaluation question one

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

the title of the magazine

I chose the name of the music magazine to be "KUBE" after researching which name the target audience of this magazine would most prefer. I chose the font of "Edit Undo Line BRK", after asking 30 people who buy and enjoy the pop music, and them voting mostly for this choice of font. The title of the music magazine is of a florescent pink which stands out well from the pale grey background, and resembles the "Pop" genre well, because of its brightness and boldness. Similarly, the title will immediately be recognized by its target audience, because of its bright colours, it is instantly resembled with the genre of pop.

An example of this use of bold, bright coloured titles being used in other Pop magazines, would be in the Smash hits magazine.

Here is an example, of Smash Hits music magazine, using the bright out standing colours, resembling the pop genre. This is why i chose to use these bright attractive colours for the music magazine, as other Pop genre music magazines have also used these conventions.

mise-en-scène of the images of the magazine

The image used for the front cover of the music magazine,was chosen by he target audience. This image attracts the customers, of the target audience, as she is dressed in the appropriate clothing, exemplified by other music magazines of the same genre. Her direction of gaze, is towards the camera, almost as if it is addressing the audience, and potential customers.

I also gained the idea of the image, from the image of Avril Lavine shown on the right. In this image, she looks as if she is going for a night out similar to my model which is why i chose to include this style on my model. Similarly, as Avril is a well known pop artist, i thought this would be a great choice of appearance for the magazine.

The colour scheme included in the image, maintains the extracts of pink, which are used in the font, and title of the front page. The model, has the same colour lipstick as the rest of the magazine, creating a colour scheme which is complimentary to the rest of the magazine.

Smash hits, uses a similar image for the front page. This front cover uses an image of Britney Spears, dressed as if she was ready to go out, similar to the model for my music magazine. Similarly, her gaze is central , so that it is one of the first things that the potential customer will notice.

This image was used for the contents of the music magazine. A prop of a CD was included in this image, as the model holds it in her right hand and gazes her eyes upon it, in order to focus the readers attention on the CD, revealing a little of what the interview with Ruby Sullivan is about. In this image, the model is wearing a different outfit, however, it still implies she is dressed up and dressed to go to a party or a night out. This image represents the genre of pop with the costume, hair and props. The dress, looks very feminine, which represents the pop genre as 77% of the pop genre magazines are bought my girls.

These images are both i=very similar. The one of the left is included on the double page spread. Both photos have a centre gaze from the model, attracting the attention of the reader. In the photo on the left, the model is typically dressed for a party or a night out in her high heels and dress, as she is in the photo on the right. The costume in both of these photos represent the genre of the music magazine. As if i were to have the model dressed in baggy jeans and a top, this would not match the typical image for a pop music magazine, which is based on the image of the pop artists, such as Britney Spears.

The title and font style

I chose the font of Edit Undo Link BRK, after asking 30 people who enjoy the pop music genre, which font believe it best suited to a pop music magazine. Most people thought that this was the best choice of font as it resembled the music magazine name, as the font looked a little like cubes. The choice of colour was also chosen by the target audience, and they chose this florescent pink, to represent the "girly" target audience.

                      Thee fonts used on the front page are of a very simplistic, and clear font, making it easy to read for the potential customer. I maintained the colour scheme of black and pink for the front cover, in order to have a contrast in colours, making the front cover seem more attractive.

                    The title, on the front cover to introduce who is featuring in the magazine, and to advertise the magazine to its potential customers. I knew it had to be in the centre frame of the front cover, and in a bold, and outstanding font, so that it was instantly noticed by its potential customers, and could be used to attract them to buy the magazine. Similarly, i noticed that other pop magazines, use this strategy, therefore i was sure to include it in my music magazine front cover also.

                    On the left hand side is the contents used in my magazine, and on the right it one from the Mojo magazine. As you can see i have adapted the ideas, such as included descriptions, of the subjects in the contents for each one. This allows for the reader to skim read, what is in the magazine, without having to go through all the pages. Similarly the use of page numbers, included for every one, was adapted from the Mojo magazine. The use of font is also quite similar, within both contents. The size changes from the page number to the description, so that the page number stands out more clearer than the others. However, where my contents is sectioned into thirds the Mojo magazine is more three quarters worth on one side, and then a quarter on the other. Similarly, I chose to only include one image in my contents, instead of several, as I wanted the main focus to be on the article with Ruby Sullivan, which is why I included an image to attract the readers attention.

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